Be Careful of Fake UL Stickers

Be Careful of Fake UL Stickers

Underwriters Laboratory dedicates its organization to guaranteeing products meet stringent safety standards. Smoke detectors, extension cords and many products in between have a UL sticker. This means that the manufacturing facility and the device passed the inspection. Now, some manufacturers try to bypass the inspection by creating fake UL labels. If you buy a device,…

Better Shower Pressure

Better Shower Pressure

What is a shower with low water pressure but a standing sponge bath? It may take longer to wash, use up the warm water and leave you with a cold rinse. The culprit may be a clogged showerhead. Here are a couple of easy ways you can remedy that. If your showerhead has rubber around…

Building a Proper Fire

Building a Proper Fire

One aspect of easy home maintenance is building a fire in the fireplace – a luxury today, where it was a necessity in the past. When you’re building your fire, make sure that the chimney flue is open to ensure airflow in your unit. Next, stack your logs on top of the metal holder, adding…

Call in the Professionals or Do It Yourself

Call in the Professionals or Do It Yourself

The presence of mold in any home or business is always a cause for concern. Urban legends may insist that getting rid of mold is either impossible or shockingly expensive. In reality, each situation is unique. In some cases it makes sense to call in an experienced mold remediation company, while other cases may be…